The Sub-committee on Kenya Sugar Safeguard Measures recently held its 2nd extra-ordinary meeting to review implementation of the Safeguard Measures which are intended to enable the country restructure its domestic sugar sector to attain competitiveness and be a profitable sector that can compete regionally and beyond.
The meeting held 17-18 August is a follow up to the 4th Kenya Sub-Committee Meeting held in April 2021 which noted COMESA Council decisions that have continuously extended the safeguards to Kenya. The 41st Council of Ministers meeting granted a two (2) year extension of the Kenya sugar safeguard beginning March 2021- February 2023 based on the provisions of Article 61(2) of the Treaty. The same Council requested the Government of Kenya to provide a detailed roadmap on how to enhance the sugar sector competitiveness during the extended safeguard period and to give priority to COMESA originating sugar.
Speaking at the opening of the meeting, Assistant Secretary General for Programmes Amb. Kipyego Cheluget urged the participants to use the opportunity to reflect on the remaining period of the safeguard and strategies in place and review if the current performance reflects the expected results.
He noted progress to increase production of sugar by Kenya in line with the roadmap presented at the last Council meeting.
“I wish to commend the efforts by the government of Kenya to take advantage of the granted extension to ensure Kenya reaches her targets in the production and desired competitiveness of the sugar industry,”
The extra-ordinary sub-committee meeting held virtually also looked at modalities for reallocation of the unutilised Kenya sugar quotas by Member States, reviewed the impacts of implementation of the Kenya Sugar safeguard that includes cost of production along with sugar production figures and they received the status report on the utilization of the quotas and associated recommendations.
Recommendations from the Sub-Committee will inform the COMESA Council of Ministers through the Trade and Customs Committee on how best to ensure effective and efficient administrative of Kenya Sugar Safeguard measures. Among the key issues to be included, is equitable distribution and allocation of quotas, streamlined system in issuance of import permits and enhanced transparency and predictable sugar trade environment across the COMESA region.
Despite the looming challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, Amb. Cheluget states that COMESA has remained optimistic for a promising future in which Member States embrace economic integration with growing energy, determination and commitment.