Trade Policy and Export Strategy for Zambia launched

The Zambian government has launched the National Trade Policy and Export Strategy. The main objective of the Policy is to turn Zambia into a net exporter and improve competitiveness. The Policy covers trade in goods and services and has various interventions and is aligned to the Seventh National Development Plan and aims to achieve sustainable development. The development of the national Trade Policy and Export Strategy was developed ith funding from the COMESA’s Regional Integration Support Mechanism (RISM) with support from the European Union

FEMCOM to Support the Cassava Cluster The Federation of National Associations of Women in Business in Eastern and Southern Africa (FEMCOM) has pledged to continue to support Cassava cluster for a women’s group based in Kanakantapa area of Chongwe district in Lusaka, Zambia with Cassva processing equipment.

FEMCOM Executive Director Katherine Ichoya said when her organization together with the Zambia Federation of Associations for Women in Business (ZAFAWIB) signed a hand over tenancy agreement with the Cassava cluster women of Kanakantapa in Chongwe district on 4thApril 2019.

The Export Strategy aims for a structurally transformed economy, by addressing export competitiveness and value addition as well as inclusive and sustainable development. It covers trade in goods and services, with clear indicators that aim to increase services exports by 15 percent annually.

The Minister of Commerce Trade and Industry of Zambia, Mr Christopher Yaluma MP, launched the policy and strategy in Lusaka, on April 2, 2019. In his keynote address, the Minister appreciated all partners that assisted in the preparation of the Policy and the Strategy.

“Following the 2014 review, a recommendation Trade Policy and Export Strategy for Zambia launched was made to separate trade from industrial policy, in line with international best
practices,” the Minister recalled. “This was the mandate for preparing this Trade Policy and Export Strategy.”

He called for collective effort in implementing the Trade Policy and the Export Strategy. The trade policy which is currently being offered as a course at the University of Zambia shall pivot Zambia towards becoming a net exporter and a competitive economy to take full advantage of various trade Agreements. Director of Trade, Customs and Monetary Affairs Dr Francis Mangeni represented
COMESA at the launch.

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