It is with deep sorrow that the COMESA Court of Justice have learnt of the untimely demise of His Lordship Honourable Mr Justice Abdalla El Bashir who passed away on Thursday 6 February 2020 in Khartoum, Sudan.
His Lordship Justice Abdalla El Bashir was a remarkable and accomplished judge that is worthy of recognition. He held a Post Graduate Diploma and Master of Laws Degree from the University of London and at the time of his election to the Appellate Division of the COMESA Court of Justice in 2015, his Lordship had been a lawyer for 55 years, twelve of which he was attached to the Attorney General’s Chambers in Khartoum.
As a judge, he served eight years in the High Court and the Court of Appeal and seven years as the President of the Constitutional Court of Sudan. Apart from the bench, he had a rich and varied life as a lecturer at the University of Khartoum and as a legal advisor to the Kuwait Fund for Investment and the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa for 15 years.
During his close to five years tenure as an Appellate Division Judge of the COMESA Court of Justice, Honourable Mr Justice Abdalla El Bashir will notably be remembered for his valuable contribution as a member of the Rules Review Committee that reviewed the Court’s Rules of Procedure (2003) to capture shifting trends and current best practices in adjudication of international disputes to best achieve the Court’s mission and vision.
The new COMESA Court of Justice Rules of Procedure (2016) were adopted by the COMESA Council of Ministers in 2016. We are immensely grateful to His Lordship for his contribution. Honourable Mr Justice Abdalla El Bashir was a very humble judge and set a remarkable example by the way he conducted himself, always fair, decent and caring. His Lordship will sorely be missed by all the honourable judges and staff of the COMESA Court of Justice.
May the Almighty God rest his soul in eternal peace.
Hon. Lady Justice Lombe P. Chibesakunda