
Country Profile

The Republic of Zambia is located in South Central Africa covering an area of 752,610 km². To the north it is bordered by the Democratic Republic of Congo and the United Republic of Tanzania, to the west by Angola, to the south west by Namibia, to the east by Malawi and Mozambique, and to the south by Zimbabwe and Botswana. Zambia sits on a gently undulating plateau, which is between 900 and 1,500 metres above sea level. This plateau is a mix of woodland and savannah regions interspersed with lakes, rivers, hills, swamps and lush plains.

Head of State: H.E. Hakainde Hichilema Capital City: Lusaka Independence Day: 24 October 1964 Area/Size of country (km²): 752,610 Time Zone: CAT (UTC+2)

Languages: English, Bemba, Nyanja,Tonga, Lozi Currency: Zambian Kwacha (ZMK) GDP: USD 26.720 Billion Natural resources: Water, Minerals, Wildlife, Vegetation

Population: 16 Million

Ministry Responsible for COMESA Affairs

Honourable Chipoka Mulenga, MP

Minister of Commerce, Trade & Industry

P. O. Box 31968

LUSAKA – Zambia

Tel: +260 211 226727

Fax: 226673


National COMESA Focal Point

Dr. Simon Ng’ona

Director Foreign Trade

Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry

P. O. Box 31968

LUSAKA – Zambia

Tel: +260 211 224115

Fax: 226673

Email: /

Permanent Secretary in Lusaka

Mrs Lilian S Bwalya

Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry

9th Floor Government Complex

Lusaka, Zambia

++260978925563 |+260211228301/9
